Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

How To Display Avatar On Rank Menu

How To Display Avatar On Rank Menu

This question I get when I see a friend of his friends are in the avatar menu rank, so I just figure it out and make this review, yet throughout our search, rank Menu only top 5 player in each of its categories.


How To Display Avatar On Rank Menu

Besides details of all the top heroes fifth time travelers also will be visible to all players, show that you're the strongest and greatest.

Here I will give 5 Rank is different and you can get anything from this rank in the category:

Level Rank            : This menu will record Time Travel Heroes with the highest level of achievement. If there is the same level, it will be calculated from how fast the heroes reach that level.
Battle Point Rank        : This menu will record Time Travel Heroes with the highest achievements of Battle Point. If there is the same Point, it will be calculated from how quickly the heroes reach Point.
Equip Rank                 : This menu will record the achievements of Time Travel Heroes Battle Gear Highest Point. If there is the same Point, it will be calculated from how quickly the heroes reach Point.
Mount Rank           : This menu will record Time Travel Heroes with Level Mount highest achievement. If there is the same grade, it will be calculated from how quickly the heroes reach Grade.
War Beast Rank          : This menu will record Time Travel Heroes to the achievement of the highest level Beast War. If there is the same Point, it will be calculated from how quickly the heroes reach Grade.

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